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Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the systemic approach to management consultancy and value creation for organizations. Here, we explore a wide array of topics designed to enlighten and empower leaders and teams across various industries. Our posts offer insights into strategic planning, operational efficiency, and innovative practices that drive success.
Skectnote about Illusion Agile Transformation by Suha Selçuk.

Avoid illusional Agile transformation!

The main issue you need to focus on is how the information flows within the organization, more specifically workflows, communication structure, reporting paths, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.
The whole

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Skectnote about Illusion Agile Transformation Before - After by Suha Selçuk.

Illusion Agile Transformation

The centralized structure of the organization remains the same in other words decisions flow top down via command and control mechanism, bureaucracy persists, traditional process-focused management leads the operations, long

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Context is everything!

There cannot be a library of patterns to be applied like a method to design an organization or to increase the performance of teams.
Nothing can be implemented blindly

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Blog: Scrum and Happiness Metric.

Scrum & Happiness Metric

Being a part of a self-organized scrum team requires trusting and respecting team members to build good long-term relationships. The happiness or the stress of the members indicates the health

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