Unlocking the Essentials

Agile Movements & Practices

A Deep Dive into Techniques & Practices


Leaders/Contributors: Vasco Duarte, Woody Zuill
Related Website: http://noestimatesbook.com/
Short Description of #NoEstimates: A movement that challenges the traditional need for detailed task estimation, suggesting that there might be more efficient and effective ways to handle project predictability and planning. It advocates for focusing on delivering value rather than getting bogged down in estimation.
Leaders/Contributors: Allan Kelly
Related Website: http://www.allankelly.net/
Short Description: A philosophy that emphasizes product-oriented teams and long-lived product lifecycles over project-centric views, aiming to ensure sustainable value delivery. It challenges the conventional start-stop dynamics of traditional projects.
Leaders/Contributors: Cédric Pontet, Diego de Biasio, Pierre Neis, Yann Gensollen
Related Website: http://play14.org/
Short Description: An event-based initiative that champions the use of serious games, playful techniques, and interactive exercises in the corporate environment to foster learning, collaboration, and process improvement. It’s a community-driven experience where attendees share and experience playful tools.


Accelerated Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Dan North
Related Website: https://dannorth.net/
Short Description: A method that aims to deliver the benefits of Agile practices in a shorter timeframe. It’s designed to rapidly onboard teams to Agile methodologies.
Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)
Leaders/Contributors: Ken Pugh
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptance_test%E2%80%93driven_development
Short Description: An Agile practice in which the team first writes acceptance tests for a feature before developing it. It ensures that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of requirements and what constitutes ‘done’.
Leaders/Contributors: Mike Burrows Related
Website: https://www.agendashift.com/
Short Description: Agendashift: A values-based, outcome-centric approach to continuous transformation, integrating strategy and delivery. It offers tools and techniques to facilitate organizational change.
Agile Budgeting
Short Description: A flexible approach to budget allocation that aligns with Agile values, allowing funds to be moved and adjusted as priorities change throughout the project. It’s focused on delivering value rather than spending on rigidly defined components.
Agile Classrooms
Leaders/Contributors: John Miller
Related Website: https://www.agileclassrooms.com/
Short Description: A concept that introduces Agile principles into educational settings, promoting adaptability, continuous feedback, and student-centered learning. It aims to transform teaching methodologies by applying Agile philosophies.
Agile Content Development
Short Description: An approach that applies Agile methodologies to content creation, ensuring iterative development, regular feedback, and adaptability to changing requirements. It helps in producing relevant and timely content based on audience needs.
Agile Data
Leaders/Contributors: Scott Ambler
Related Website: http://agiledata.org/
Short Description: A method of approaching data and database management with Agile principles, facilitating iterative development, testing, and collaboration. It ensures that database changes are aligned with application needs.
Agile Data Science
Short Description: The application of Agile methodologies to the data science lifecycle, emphasizing iterative development, collaboration, and rapid delivery of data products. It encourages responsive changes based on feedback and evolving data insights.
Agile Fluency Project
Leaders/Contributors: Diana Larsen, James Shore
Related Website: http://www.agilefluency.org/
Short Description: A model that helps teams understand their current Agile proficiency and provides a path to greater effectiveness. It identifies different levels of fluency and offers guidance on reaching each stage.
Agile HR
Leaders/Contributors: Natal Dank, Pia-Maria Thorén, and Fabiola Eyholzer.
Related Website: https://agilehrcommunity.com/
Short Description: Agile HR: Incorporating Agile principles in human resources to foster continuous feedback, iterative development, and flexibility in HR practices. It supports dynamic talent management and organizational adaptability.
Agile Journey Index
Leaders/Contributors: Bill Krebs
Related Website: http://www.agiledimensions.com/blog/agile-journey-index/
Short Description: A tool to measure an organization’s Agile maturity and provide insights into areas of improvement. It helps in guiding the Agile transformation journey.
Agile Leadership Academy
Leaders/Contributors: Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne
Related Website: https://agileleadershipacademy.com/
Short Description: A program designed to equip leaders with Agile mindsets and practices, enabling them to guide Agile transformations effectively. It emphasizes values-driven leadership in an Agile environment.
Agile Marketing
Leaders/Contributors: Maria Matarelli
Related Website: https://agilemarketingalliance.com/
Short Description: Adapting Agile principles to marketing efforts, ensuring responsiveness, iterative campaigns, and stakeholder feedback. It helps in optimizing marketing strategies based on real-time data.
Agile Mentoring
Leaders/Contributors: Mike Vizdos, Ron Jeffries
Related Website: http://www.agilementoring.com/
Short Description: A relationship-based approach to guide individuals and teams in their Agile journey, offering insights, feedback, and advice. It supports the personal and professional growth of Agile practitioners.
Agile Modeling
Leaders/Contributors: Scott Ambler
Related Website: http://www.agilemodeling.com/
Short Description: A practice that integrates modeling techniques with Agile development processes, enhancing software design and adaptability. It promotes efficient communication and iterative design improvements.
Agile Procurement
Leaders/Contributors: Mirko Kleiner
Short Description: Implementing Agile principles in the procurement process, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and iterative contracts. It supports flexible vendor relationships and evolving requirements.
Agile Product Management
Leaders/Contributors: Roman Pichler
Related Website: http://www.romanpichler.com/
Short Description: Applying Agile methodologies to product management, fostering rapid feedback, adaptability, and stakeholder collaboration. It emphasizes delivering the most valuable features first and adapting to market feedback.
Agile Release Trains (ARTs) (Part of SAFe):
Related Website: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/agile-release-trains/
Short Description: A key component of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), ARTs are long-lived teams that plan, commit, and execute together. They ensure alignment, collaboration, and delivery across multiple Agile teams.
Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki
Leaders/Contributors: Rob Bowley
Related Website: http://retrospectivewiki.org/
Short Description: A collaborative platform offering tools, techniques, and insights for conducting effective Agile retrospectives. It’s a community-driven resource to improve retrospective practices.
Agile Retrospectives
Leaders/Contributors: Esther Derby, Diana Larsen, Ben Linders, Luis Gonçalves
Related Websites: https://leanpub.com/gettingvalueoutofagileretrospectives
Short Description: Regular sessions where Agile teams reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement. They’re crucial for continuous improvement in Agile projects.
Agile Risk Management
Short Description: Integrating Agile practices to identify, assess, and respond to risks in projects. It ensures flexibility in dealing with uncertainties and rapid risk mitigation.
Agile Samurai
Leaders/Contributors: Jonathan Rasmusson
Related Website: https://agilewarrior.wordpress.com/
Short Description: A set of practices and principles that highlight the fundamentals of Agile, aiming to streamline project delivery and maximize value. It offers a straightforward and effective approach to Agile methodologies.
Agile Supply Chain
Short Description: Applying Agile methodologies to supply chain management, ensuring adaptability, responsiveness, and stakeholder collaboration. It helps in optimizing logistics and inventory management based on real-time demands.
Agile Testing
Leaders/Contributors: Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory
Related Website: http://lisacrispin.com/
Short Description: A testing approach that aligns with Agile development practices, emphasizing continuous integration, early testing, and stakeholder collaboration. It ensures quality throughout the development cycle.
Agile UX
Short Description: Integrating User Experience (UX) design into Agile processes, it ensures user-centered design decisions occur iteratively alongside development.
Agile Unified Process
Leaders/Contributors: Scott Ambler
Related Website: http://www.ambysoft.com/unifiedprocess/agileUP.html
Short Description: A simplified version of the Rational Unified Process (RUP), it combines Agile principles with RUP practices, focusing on iterative development and adaptability.
Agile for Construction
Short Description: Applying Agile principles to construction projects, emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, and iterative planning. It aims to increase efficiency and adaptability in construction projects.
Agile for Legal Practices
Short Description: The use of Agile methodologies in legal settings to manage caseloads, client expectations, and tasks in an iterative and flexible manner. It encourages collaboration, transparency, and continuous feedback in legal operations.
Agile for Nonprofits
Short Description: Implementing Agile principles in nonprofit organizations to improve project management, donor relations, and team collaboration. It seeks to enhance responsiveness, flexibility, and stakeholder engagement in nonprofit settings.
Agile for Research and Development
Short Description: Agile for Research and Development: Implementing Agile methodologies in R&D processes to enhance collaboration, iterative feedback, and adaptability to changes. It focuses on early delivery of prototypes and flexibility in research goals.
Agile for Retail
Short Description: Agile for Retail: The application of Agile principles to retail operations and strategy, ensuring adaptability in inventory management, customer experiences, and sales strategies. It emphasizes customer feedback and rapid response to market changes.
Agile for Sales
Short Description: Integrating Agile approaches within sales teams to improve collaboration, customer engagement, and adaptability in sales strategies. It offers a structured yet flexible way to approach sales targets and strategies.
Agile in Education
Leaders/Contributors: Willy Wijnands, Arno Delhij
Related Website: https://www.agileineducation.org/
Short Description: The infusion of Agile methodologies in educational processes and structures to promote student-centered learning, adaptability, and continuous improvement. It emphasizes iterative feedback and adaptive teaching methods.
Agile in Government
Leaders/Contributors: Bill Dettmer.
Short Description: The application of Agile practices to government projects and operations, enhancing responsiveness, transparency, and stakeholder engagement. It offers a solution to bureaucratic hurdles and slow decision-making.
Agility Health Radar
Leaders/Contributors: Sally Elatta
Related Website: http://www.agilityhealthradar.com/
Short Description: A diagnostic tool that assesses the health and performance of teams and organizations, identifying areas for continuous improvement in Agile contexts.
Agnostic Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Sam Zawadi, Arie van Bennekum
Related Website: http://agnosticagile.org/
Short Description: A principle that any Agile practice or framework should be adaptable and should respect the unique context of the organization adopting it.
Atlassian Team Playbook
Related Website: https://www.atlassian.com/team-playbook/plays
Short Description: A set of tools, techniques, and practices from Atlassian to help teams work better together, fostering innovation and alignment.


Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
Leaders/Contributors: Dan North
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior-driven_development
Short Description: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD): An Agile software development process that encourages collaboration between developers, QA, and non-technical participants in a software project, focusing on defining behavior through examples.
Leaders/Contributors: Niels Pflaeging
Related Website: http://www.betacodex.org/de
Short Description: Betacodex: A model that seeks to replace traditional hierarchical organizational structures, emphasizing decentralized decision-making and adaptability.
Beyond Budgeting
Leaders/Contributors: Jeremy Hope, Robin Fraser, Peter Bunce
Related Website: http://bbrt.org/
Short Description: Beyond Budgeting: A management strategy that challenges traditional budgeting practices, promoting more flexible and adaptive approaches to handling finances.


Circle Forward
Leaders/Contributors: Tracy Kunkler, Michelle Smith, John Buck
Related Website: http://www.circleforward.us/
Short Description: Circle Forward: A consensus decision-making tool that aims to facilitate group decisions in complex environments, fostering collective intelligence.
Clean Coders
Leaders/Contributors: Robert Martin
Related Website: https://cleancoders.com/
Short Description: Clean Coders: A movement that emphasizes clean code practices, focusing on readability, maintainability, and high-quality software craftsmanship.
Co-Active Coaching
Leaders/Contributors: Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Laura Whitworth, Phillip Sandahl
Related Website: http://www.coactive.com/
Short Description: Co-Active Coaching: A coaching methodology that considers both the client’s consciousness (being) and their intentional action (doing), promoting personal and professional growth.
Coaching Agile Teams
Leaders/Contributors: Lyssa Adkins
Related Website: http://agilecoachinginstitute.com/
Short Description: Coaching Agile Teams: A focus on enhancing the skills of Agile coaches, emphasizing the unique challenges and opportunities in coaching Agile teams.
Collaboration Superpowers
Leaders/Contributors: Lisette Sutherland
Related Website: http://www.collaborationsuperpowers.com/
Short Description: Collaboration Superpowers: Techniques and strategies for successful remote collaboration, ensuring that distributed teams can work effectively.
Comparative Agility
Leaders/Contributors: Jorgen Hesselberg
Related Website: https://comparativeagility.com/
Short Description: Comparative Agility: An Agile assessment tool that helps teams and organizations understand their Agile maturity relative to others.
Complexity Thinking
Short Description: Complexity Thinking: An understanding of systems and projects as complex adaptive systems, emphasizing non-linearity, emergent properties, and adaptability.
Context Driven Testing (CDT)
Leaders/Contributors: James Bach, Brian Marick, Brett Pettichord, Cem Kaner
Related Website: http://context-driven-testing.com/
Short Description: Context Driven Testing (CDT): A testing approach that emphasizes the unique context of each project, allowing for more flexibility and adaptability in testing methods.
Continuous Delivery
Leaders/Contributors: Jez Humble
Related Website: https://continuousdelivery.com/
Short Description: Continuous Delivery: An Agile practice that focuses on producing software in short cycles, ensuring that it can be reliably released at any time.
Core Protocols
Leaders/Contributors: Jim McCarthy, Michele McCarthy, Richard Kasperowski
Related Website: https://liveingreatness.com/
Short Description: Core Protocols: A set of communication tools and techniques aimed at helping teams collaborate more effectively.
Crisp DNA
Leaders/Contributors: Henrik Kniberg
Related Website: http://dna.crisp.se/docs/index.html
Short Description: Crisp DNA: A model that describes how the consultancy company Crisp operates, emphasizing self-management, transparency, and adaptability.
Leaders/Contributors: Iman Stratenus, Alan Watkins
Related Website:
Short Description: Crowdocracy: A governance model that emphasizes collective decision-making, reducing hierarchies and fostering broader participation.
Crystal Clear
Short Description: Crystal Clear: Part of the Crystal Methodologies, it’s a lightweight approach to software development that emphasizes frequent delivery, close communication, and reflective improvement.
Crystal Methodologies
Leaders/Contributors: Alistair Cockburn
Related Website: http://alistair.cockburn.us/Crystal+methodologies
Short Description: Crystal Methodologies: A family of Agile software development processes that prioritize people and their interactions, tailoring practices based on team size and system criticality.
Leaders/Contributors: Dave Snowden
Related Website: http://cognitive-edge.com/
Short Description: Cynefin: A decision-making framework that helps teams understand the complexity of problems and choose appropriate solutions.


DSDM Atern
Related Website: https://www.agilebusiness.org/
Short Description: DSDM Atern: A structured Agile project management framework, emphasizing collaboration and adaptability, while ensuring alignment to predefined timelines and budgets.
Design Thinking
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_thinking
Short Description: Design Thinking: A problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and iteration, widely used in product development and organizational innovation.
Leaders/Contributors: Gene Kim, Andrew Shafer, Patrick Debois, Kevin Behr
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps
Short Description: DevOps: A set of practices that emphasizes the collaboration between software developers and IT operations, aiming to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery.
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
Leaders/Contributors: Scott Ambler, Mark Lines
Related Website: http://www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com/
Short Description: Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD): A process decision framework that allows organizations to integrate different Agile and lean approaches (like Scrum and Kanban) in a manner best suitable for the organization’s needs.
Discover to Deliver
Leaders/Contributors: Ellen Gottesdiener, Mary Gorman
Related Website: http://discovertodeliver.com/
Short Description: Discover to Deliver: An Agile approach to defining and delivering valuable products iteratively, focusing on the alignment of stakeholders around needs and solutions.
Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Leaders/Contributors: Eric Evans, Vladimir Gitlevich
Related Website: http://dddcommunity.org/
Short Description: Domain Driven Design (DDD): An approach to software development that prioritizes modeling the domain, emphasizing a shared understanding and language between developers and domain experts.
Dual Track Development
Leaders/Contributors: Jeff Patton
Related Website: http://jpattonassociates.com/tag/dual-track-development/
Short Description: Dual Track Development: An Agile product development approach where discovery (user research and design) runs ahead of delivery (development and testing) ensuring a continuous backlog of validated work.


Enlivening Edge
Related Website: http://www.enliveningedge.org/
Short Description: Enlivening Edge: A platform that spotlights and fosters next-stage organizational practices, often focusing on holacracy, responsive org, and other emerging paradigms.
Enterprise Scrum
Leaders/Contributors: Mike Beedle
Related Website: http://www.enterprisescrum.com/
Short Description: Enterprise Scrum: An adaptation of Scrum practices to enterprise-level, it caters to large-scale operations, business development, and products.
Enterprise Transition Framework
Leaders/Contributors: Martin Kearns, Andrea Tomasini
Related Website: http://www.agile42.com/en/agile-transition/etf/
Short Description: Enterprise Transition Framework: A structured approach to aid organizations in their Agile transformation journey, providing tools and techniques for change management.
Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
Leaders/Contributors: Scott Ambler
Related Website: http://www.enterpriseunifiedprocess.com/
Short Description: Enterprise Unified Process (EUP): An extension of the Agile Unified Process, it covers the entire system lifecycle and introduces additional disciplines including portfolio management.
Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
Leaders/Contributors: Ivar Jacobson
Related Website: https://www.ivarjacobson.com/services/essential-unified-process
Short Description: Essential Unified Process (EssUP): A streamlined version of the Unified Process, focusing on essential practices and being more adaptable to various project scenarios.
Event Storming
Leaders/Contributors: Alberto Brandolini
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_Storming
Short Description: Event Storming: A workshop format that brings domain experts and developers together to learn and explore a domain by modeling it with domain events.
Leaders/Contributors: Tom Gilb, Kai Gilb
Related Website: https://www.gilb.com/
Short Description: Evo: A method that focuses on delivering stakeholder value, measuring the impact of each change to ensure constant value delivery and adaptability.
Extreme Manufacturing
Leaders/Contributors: Joe Justice
Related Website: http://wikispeed.org/extreme-manufacturing/
Short Description: Extreme Manufacturing: An approach that applies the principles of Extreme Programming to hardware manufacturing, emphasizing adaptability and rapid iteration.
Extreme Programming (XP)
Leaders/Contributors: Chet Hendrickson, Ron Jeffries, Kent Beck
Related Website: http://www.extremeprogramming.org/
Short Description: Extreme Programming (XP): An Agile software development methodology that emphasizes customer satisfaction, constant communication, and technical excellence, often recognized for practices like pair programming and test-driven development.
Leaders/Contributors: Willy Wijnands
Related Website: http://eduscrum.nl/
Short Description: eduScrum: Adapting Scrum practices to educational settings, it focuses on students managing their learning processes in teams to achieve common objectives.


FAST Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Ron Quartel
Related Website: http://www.fast-agile.com/
Short Description:FAST Agile: An approach that utilizes user roles and stories on a token, allowing them to travel through a process inspired by Open Space Technology and Sociocracy.
Fearless Change
Leaders/Contributors: Linda Rising, Mary Lynn Manns
Related Website: http://www.fearlesschangepatterns.com/
Short Description:Fearless Change: Strategies and techniques for driving change in an organization, emphasizing patterns that can guide change agents.
Feature Injection
Related Website: https://featureinjection.com/
Short Description:Feature Injection: A process to ensure that the right features are developed by pushing them into the system only when they are needed, based on the business value.
Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
Related Website: https://www.featuredrivendevelopment.com/
Short Description:Feature-Driven Development (FDD): An Agile methodology that emphasizes modeling and feature lists, focusing on specific, client-valued functions in a system.
Fractal Organizations
Leaders/Contributors: Janna Raye
Related Website: http://fractalorgs.com/
Short Description:Fractal Organizations: A conceptual framework where organizations have repeating patterns at every scale, inspired by fractal structures in nature.
Fun Retrospectives
Leaders/Contributors: Paulo Caroli
Related Website: http://www.caroli.org/en/
Short Description:Fun Retrospectives: Techniques and activities designed to make Agile retrospectives engaging and productive, emphasizing the value of positivity and creativity.


Leaders/Contributors: Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo
Related Website: http://gamestorming.com/
Short Description:Gamestorming: A set of co-creation tools used to generate ideas, solve problems, and promote innovation in teams.
Google re:Work
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://rework.withgoogle.com/
Short Description:Google re:Work: A collection of practices, research, and ideas from Google aimed at helping companies re-envision the way they work.
Leaders/Contributors: Andy Hunt
Related Website: http://growsmethod.com/
Short Description:GROWTH: A coaching model used to facilitate personal and professional development by navigating through Goals, Reality, Options, Will, Tactics, and Habits.
Growth Hacking
Leaders/Contributors: Sean Ellis, Andrew Chen
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_hacking/
Short Description:Growth Hacking: A marketing approach that utilizes creative, low-cost strategies to help businesses grow by acquiring and retaining customers.


Happy Melly
Leaders/Contributors: Sam Mednick, Jurgen Appelo, Patrick Verdonk
Related Website: https://www.happymelly.com/
Short Description:Happy Melly: A global learning community focusing on happiness at work, emphasizing tools, practices, and stories that promote workplace satisfaction.
Heart of Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Alistair Cockburn
Related Website: http://heartofagile.com/
Short Description:Heart of Agile: Simplifying Agile to its core concepts: Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, and Improve.
Hiring Technical People
Leaders/Contributors: Johanna Rothman
Related Website: https://www.jrothman.com/blog/htp/
Short Description:Hiring Technical People: Strategies and techniques focused on effectively recruiting, evaluating, and onboarding technical talent.
Leaders/Contributors: Brian Robertson
Related Website: http://www.holacracy.org/
Short Description:Holacracy: A governance model that distributes authority, empowering teams to self-organize and make decisions to adapt to rapidly changing conditions.
Human-Centered Design
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human-centered_design/
Short Description:Human-Centered Design: An approach to designing solutions, processes, strategies, and products with a primary focus on the user’s experience and needs.
Hyper Island Toolbox
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: http://toolbox.hyperisland.com/
Short Description:Hyper Island Toolbox: A collection of creative methodologies and exercises for team development and ideation.


Leaders/Contributors: Ahmed Sidki, Shannon Ewan, Shane Hastie
Related Website: https://icagile.com/
Short Description:ICAgile: A community-driven certification body that offers learning tracks in various areas of Agile, focusing on hands-on experiences and real-world scenarios.
Impact Mapping
Leaders/Contributors: Gojko Adzic
Related Website: https://www.impactmapping.org/
Short Description:Impact Mapping: A strategic planning technique that provides clarity on the broader goals, the impact desired, and the steps required to achieve these outcomes.
Impact Spheres
Leaders/Contributors: Jurgen Appelo
Related Website: https://medium.com/impact-spheres/
Short Description:Impact Spheres: A tool to visualize and understand the different areas or domains that a team or organization can influence or control.
Innovation Games
Leaders/Contributors: Luke Hohmann
Related Website: http://www.innovationgames.com/
Short Description:Innovation Games: Collaborative games and exercises used to engage stakeholders in product discovery, problem-solving, and strategy development.
Integral Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Michael K. Spayd
Related Website: http://agilecoachinginstitute.com/integral-agile/
Short Description:Integral Agile: An approach that combines Agile methods with the Integral framework, providing a holistic understanding of organizational culture, systems, and practices.
Intent Based Leadership
Leaders/Contributors: David Marquet
Related Website: http://www.davidmarquet.com/
Short Description:Intent Based Leadership: A leadership approach that empowers subordinates to take ownership and make decisions based on their understanding of the leader’s intent.
Inventive Problem Solving
Leaders/Contributors: Ari-Pekka Lappi
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Inventive Problem Solving: Techniques that encourage innovative solutions to problems, often leveraging structured methodologies and creative thinking.


Jimmy Cards
Leaders/Contributors: Jimmy Janlén
Short Description:Jimmy Cards: A set of cards designed to trigger discussions and reflections among team members, especially useful for retrospectives.


Leaders/Contributors: David Anderson, Daniel Vicanti
Related Website: https:/kanban.university/
Short Description:Kanban: An Agile methodology focused on visualizing work, limiting work-in-progress, and maximizing flow, originally inspired by the Toyota Production System.
Kanban Enterprise Services Planning (ESP)
Leaders/Contributors: David Anderson
Related Website: http://leankanban.com/esp/
Short Description:Kanban Enterprise Services Planning (ESP): An advanced level of Kanban that focuses on managing multiple interconnected services across an entire organization, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives.
Kanban Maturity Model (KMM)
Short Description:Kanban Maturity Model (KMM): Provides businesses with a roadmap to gradually improve their processes and evolve their organizational culture, following different maturity levels within the Kanban method.


Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Leaders/Contributors: Bas Vodde, Craig Larman
Related Website: http://less.works/
Short Description:Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): An Agile framework that extends Scrum principles to large-scale operations, enabling multiple teams to work on the same product.
Leading Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Mike Cottmeyer
Related Website: http://www.leadingagile.com/
Short Description:Leading Agile: A transformative approach that guides organizations through the complexities of enterprise agility, focusing on alignment and market adaptability.
Lean Agile Intelligence
Leaders/Contributors: Michael S. McCalla, Troy Lightfoot, James Gifford
Related Website: https://www.leanagileintelligence.com/
Short Description:Lean Agile Intelligence: A platform that offers customizable assessments to measure and improve an organization’s agility.
Lean Canvas
Leaders/Contributors: Ash Maurya
Related Website: https://leanstack.com/
Short Description:Lean Canvas: A one-page business plan template that focuses on addressing and mitigating business risks.
Lean Change Management
Leaders/Contributors: Jason Little
Related Website: http://leanchange.org/
Short Description:Lean Change Management: A modern approach to change management integrating lean startup thinking, focused on rapid iterations and feedback loops.
Lean Coffee
Leaders/Contributors: Jim Benson, Jeremy Lightsmith
Related Website: http://leancoffee.org/
Short Description:Lean Coffee: A structured but agenda-less meeting where participants gather, discuss, and prioritize topics of interest.
Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/lean-portfolio-management/
Short Description:Lean Portfolio Management (LPM): A strategy alignment practice ensuring that organizational investments are continuously aligned with business goals.
Lean Product Development
Leaders/Contributors: Ben Yoskovitz and Alistair Croll.
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Lean Product Development: An approach focusing on the rapid development and iteration of products, valuing customer feedback, and eliminating waste.
Lean Software Development
Leaders/Contributors: Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck
Related Website: http://www.poppendieck.com/
Short Description:Lean Software Development: An adaptation of lean manufacturing principles to software development, emphasizing waste reduction and efficiency.
Lean Startup
Leaders/Contributors: Eric Ries
Related Website: http://theleanstartup.com/
Short Description:Lean Startup: A methodology for developing businesses and products that focuses on rapid prototypes, feedback loops, and adaptability.
Lean UX
Leaders/Contributors: Jeff Gothelf
Related Website: http://www.jeffgothelf.com/
Short Description:Lean UX: A design methodology which focuses on frequent iterations, collaborative design, and constant user feedback.
Learning 3.0
Leaders/Contributors: Alexandre Magno
Related Website: http://www.learning30.co/
Short Description:Learning 3.0: A modern approach to learning that emphasizes creative problem-solving, collaboration, and continuous evolution.
LEGO Serious Play
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://www.lego.com/en-us/seriousplay/
Short Description:LEGO Serious Play: An innovative, experiential process used to improve innovation and business performance using LEGO blocks.
Liberating Structures
Leaders/Contributors: Keith McCandless, Henri Lipmanowicz
Related Website: http://www.liberatingstructures.com/
Short Description:Liberating Structures: A set of facilitation strategies designed to engage and empower every group member during discussions and decision-making processes.
Leaders/Contributors: Diana Larsen
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Liftoff: A practice that ensures teams start projects with alignment on vision, mission, and goals, setting the trajectory for success.
Liquid Organizations
Leaders/Contributors: Stelio Verzera, Jacopo Romei
Related Website: http://liquido.cocoonprojects.com/
Short Description:Liquid Organizations: Organizations that adapt their structures and strategies dynamically, based on flow and adaptability.


Managed Agile – Agile Project Management
Leaders/Contributors: Chuck Cobb
Related Website: http://managedagile.com/
Short Description:Managed Agile – Agile Project Management: An approach that blends Agile methodologies with traditional project management, focusing on flexibility and results.
Management 3.0
Leaders/Contributors: Jurgen Appelo, Ralph van Roosmalen
Related Website: http://management30.com/
Short Description:Management 3.0: Modern management practices focusing on leadership as a group responsibility, emphasizing employee engagement and collaboration.
Managing Product Development
Leaders/Contributors: Johanna Rothman
Related Website: https://www.jrothman.com/blog/mpd/
Short Description:Managing Product Development: Techniques and practices aimed at efficiently leading and overseeing the development of products in an Agile environment.
Mob Programming
Leaders/Contributors: Woody Zuill
Related Website: http://mobprogramming.org/
Short Description:Mob Programming: A software development technique where a team works on the same code, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer.
Modern Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Joshua Kerievsky
Related Website: http://modernagile.org/
Short Description:Modern Agile: A community-driven movement focusing on delivering value, making people awesome, making safety a prerequisite, and experimenting and learning rapidly.


Leaders/Contributors: Ken Schwaber
Related Website: https://www.scrum.org/Resources/Nexus/
Short Description:Nexus: A framework to help scale Scrum for larger software development efforts, managing dependencies between teams.


Open Book Management
Leaders/Contributors: Jack Stack
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-book_management/
Short Description:Open Book Management: A management approach where employees are provided with financial information to make better decisions and drive business performance.
Open Enspiral
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: http://open.enspiral.com/
Short Description:Open Enspiral: A collaborative network of professionals pushing the boundaries of traditional employment and organizational structures.
Open Participatory Organization
Leaders/Contributors: Bonnitta Roy
Related Website: https://medium.com/open-participatory-organized/
Short Description:Open Participatory Organization: A model where decision-making is decentralized, encouraging broad participation and collaboration.
Open Space Technology
Leaders/Contributors: Harrison Owen
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Space_Technology/
Short Description:Open Space Technology: A method for organizing and hosting large group meetings and events focusing on a specific and important purpose.
Open Unified Process (OpenUP)
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: http://epf.eclipse.org/wikis/openup/
Short Description:Open Unified Process (OpenUP): A flexible and extensible framework that applies iterative and incremental approaches within a structured lifecycle.
OpenSpace Agility
Leaders/Contributors: Daniel Mezick
Related Website: http://openspaceagility.com/
Short Description:OpenSpace Agility: A technique to introduce and spread Agile principles in organizations using Open Space Technology.


Personal Agility
Leaders/Contributors: Maria Matarelli, Peter Stevens
Related Website: https://mypersonalagility.org/
Short Description:Personal Agility: A practice focusing on individual adaptability and effectiveness, helping individuals prioritize and align their personal goals.
Personal Kanban
Leaders/Contributors: Jim Benson, Tonianne DeMaria Barry
Related Website: http://www.personalkanban.com/pk/
Short Description:Personal Kanban: A visual productivity and management tool helping individuals visualize, manage, and optimize their work.
Product Mastery
Leaders/Contributors: Geoff Watts
Related Website: https://inspectandadapt.com/
Short Description:Product Mastery: A journey toward mastering the art of product management in an Agile context.


Radical Management
Leaders/Contributors: Steve Denning
Related Website: http://www.stevedenning.com/
Short Description:Radical Management: A leadership paradigm focusing on client delight, continuous improvement, and iterative workflows.
Real Options
Leaders/Contributors: Chris Matts
Related Website: https://theitriskmanager.wordpress.com/
Short Description:Real Options: Decision-making strategies in Agile environments based on the concept that options have value and expire.
Leaders/Contributors: Martin Fowler
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_refactoring/
Short Description:Refactoring: The practice of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior to improve its nonfunctional attributes.
Reinventing Organizations
Leaders/Contributors: Frédéric Laloux
Related Website: http://www.reinventingorganizations.com/
Short Description:Reinventing Organizations: A book and associated model by Frederic Laloux exploring the evolution of organizations and proposing a new kind of organizational structure.
Responsibility-Driven Design
Leaders/Contributors: Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Brian Wilkerson
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsibility-driven_design/
Short Description:Responsibility-Driven Design: An object-oriented design technique focusing on the responsibilities of objects, their collaborations, and contracts.
Responsive Organizations
Leaders/Contributors: Aaron Dignan, Adam Pisoni, Matthew Partovi, Mike Arauz, Steve Hopkins
Related Website: http://www.responsive.org/
Short Description:Responsive Organizations: Organizations designed to thrive in less predictable environments, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability.
Leaders/Contributors: Corinna Baldauf
Related Website: https://plans-for-retrospectives.com/
Short Description:Retromat: An online tool offering activities to design Agile retrospectives.
Leaders/Contributors: Bob Marshall
Related Website: https://flowchainsensei.wordpress.com/rightshifting/
Short Description:Rightshifting: A model visualizing and explaining organizational effectiveness and its progression.
Rocket Model
Leaders/Contributors: Gordon Curphy
Related Website: http://www.therocketmodel.com/
Short Description:Rocket Model: A framework that focuses on team dynamics and development, ensuring team effectiveness and growth.
Running Lean
Leaders/Contributors: Ash Maurya
Related Website: https://leanstack.com/
Short Description:Running Lean: A systematic process for iterating a product from plan A to a plan that works, emphasizing the Lean Canvas.


Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
Leaders/Contributors: Dean Leffingwell
Related Website: http://www.scaledagileframework.com/
Short Description:Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): A framework for scaling Agile practices across large enterprises, focusing on alignment, collaboration, and delivery across multiple Agile teams.
Scaling Lean
Leaders/Contributors: Ash Maurya
Related Website: https://leanstack.com/
Short Description:Scaling Lean: Applying Lean principles at a larger scale, focusing on maximizing customer value and minimizing waste across an entire organization.
Leaders/Contributors: Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber
Related Website: http://scrumguides.org/
Short Description:Scrum: An Agile framework for completing complex projects, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and iterative progress.
Scrum Mastery
Leaders/Contributors: Geoff Watts
Related Website: https://inspectandadapt.com/
Short Description:Scrum Mastery: The journey of becoming an expert in Scrum, focusing on deep understanding and adept application of Scrum principles and practices.
Leaders/Contributors: Jeff Sutherland
Related Website: https://www.scrumatscale.com/
Short Description:Scrum@Scale: A framework that scales Scrum across an organization, ensuring that cross-team collaboration and product delivery happen efficiently.
Leaders/Contributors: Corey Ladas
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrumban/
Short Description:ScrumBan: A hybrid Agile approach that combines Scrum and Kanban, aiming to enhance the flexibility of Scrum with the visualization and flow techniques of Kanban.
Leaders/Contributors: James Coplien, Jeff Sutherland
Related Website: http://scrumbook.org/
Short Description:Scrumbook: A comprehensive guide or reference that delves into the principles, practices, and intricacies of the Scrum framework.
Leaders/Contributors: James Coplien, Jeff Sutherland
Related Website: http://www.scrumplop.org/
Short Description:ScrumPLoP: A collection of practices, or patterns, for implementing Scrum effectively, stemming from the Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) community.
SD Learning Consortium
Leaders/Contributors: Steve Denning, Ahmed Sidki
Related Website: http://sdlearningconsortium.org/
Short Description:SD Learning Consortium: An initiative that seeks to identify successful patterns in Agile transformations and organizational adaptability.
Leaders/Contributors: Sandy Mamoli
Related Website: https://nomad8.com/
Short Description:Self-Selection: An approach where team members choose which team to work on based on their own skills, interests, and the project’s needs.
Shu Ha Ri
Leaders/Contributors: Alistair Cockburn
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuhari/
Short Description:Shu Ha Ri: A concept from martial arts, applied in Agile, indicating the stages of learning from beginner (Shu) to practitioner (Ha) to master (Ri).
Snowbird Collaboratory
Leaders/Contributors: Chris Matts
Related Website: https://snowbirdcollaboratory.org/
Short Description:Snowbird Collaboratory: Refers to collaborative initiatives or gatherings, taking inspiration from the famous Snowbird meeting where the Agile Manifesto was conceived.
Leaders/Contributors: Sharon Villines, John Buck
Related Website: http://www.sociocracy.info/
Short Description:Sociocracy: A governance method that promotes shared decision-making and an effective organizational flow.
Sociocracy 3.0
Leaders/Contributors: James Priest, Bernhard Bockelbrink, Liliana David
Related Website: http://sociocracy30.org/
Short Description:Sociocracy 3.0: An evolved, modular version of Sociocracy designed for Agile and Lean organizations to enhance transparency and adaptability.
Software Craftsmanship
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_craftsmanship/
Short Description:Software Craftsmanship: A movement that emphasizes the importance of software quality, professionalism, and a continuous journey of learning and mastery.
Specification By Example (SBE)
Leaders/Contributors: Gojko Adzic
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specification_by_example/
Short Description:Specification By Example (SBE): A collaborative approach where requirements and business-oriented functional tests are defined simultaneously.
Spotify model
Leaders/Contributors: Henrik Kniberg, Anders Ivarsson, Joakim Sundén
Related Website: https://labs.spotify.com/2014/03/27/spotify-engineering-culture-part-1/
Short Description:Spotify model: A team-based Agile approach used at Spotify, which organizes teams (“squads”) around features or services, with “chapters”, “guilds”, and “tribes” for coordination.
Squad Health Check Model
Leaders/Contributors: Henrik Kniberg
Related Website: http://blog.crisp.se/2014/09/16/henrikkniberg/squad-health-check-model/
Short Description:Squad Health Check Model: A tool by Spotify to periodically assess team health and agility, focusing on various dimensions like teamwork, paces of learning, and delivery.
Startup Bootcamp / InnoLeaps
Leaders/Contributors: Ruud Hendriks, Roderik Hageman
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Startup Bootcamp / InnoLeaps: Accelerator programs designed to support startups, focusing on mentorship, networking, and rapid growth strategies.
Startup Foundation
Leaders/Contributors: Leon Pals
Related Website: https://startup.foundation/
Short Description:Startup Foundation: A platform or initiative aimed at fostering entrepreneurship and startup growth through resources, training, and support.
Strategy Deployment / Hoshin Kanri
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://www.lean.org/lexicon/strategy-deployment/
Short Description:Strategy Deployment / Hoshin Kanri: A strategic planning method that focuses on achieving the top strategic goals, ensuring alignment across all levels of an organization.
Stripe Atlas
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://stripe.com/atlas/guides/
Short Description:Stripe Atlas: A toolkit for startups to handle various aspects like incorporation, banking, and more, simplifying the business establishment process.
Succeeding with Agile
Leaders/Contributors: Mike Cohn
Related Website: http://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/
Short Description:Succeeding with Agile: A reference to methodologies and practices that ensure the successful implementation and scaling of Agile in organizations.
Systems Thinking
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Systems Thinking: A holistic approach to understanding and solving complex problems by focusing on the system as a whole, not just its individual components.


Tasty Cupcakes
Leaders/Contributors: Michael McCullough, Don McGreal
Related Website: http://tastycupcakes.org/
Short Description:Tasty Cupcakes: A repository of games and exercises designed to energize and teach Agile teams during trainings and workshops.
Team Coaching Framework (Agile42)
Leaders/Contributors: Andrea Tomasini
Related Website: https://tcf.agile42.com/
Short Description:Team Coaching Framework (Agile42): A structured approach to coach Agile teams effectively, ensuring continuous improvement and team maturity.
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Leaders/Contributors: Kent Beck
Related Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development/
Short Description:Test-Driven Development (TDD): A software development practice where tests are written before the actual code, ensuring code quality and functionality.
The Art of Agile
Leaders/Contributors: James Shore
Related Website: http://www.jamesshore.com/
Short Description:The Art of Agile: A comprehensive guide that explores the depth and breadth of Agile methodologies, principles, and practices.
The Lean Mindset
Leaders/Contributors: Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck
Related Website: http://www.poppendieck.com/
Short Description:The Lean Mindset: An approach focused on delivering value efficiently by leveraging lean principles and eliminating waste.
The Mikado Method
Leaders/Contributors: Ola Ellnestam, Daniel Brolund
Related Website: https://mikadomethod.wordpress.com/
Short Description:The Mikado Method: A structured approach to refactor code and make large-scale changes in an orderly and systematic fashion.
The People’s Scrum
Leaders/Contributors: Tobias Mayer
Related Website: http://thepeoplesscrum.tumblr.com/
Short Description:The People’s Scrum: A perspective on Scrum that focuses on individuals, interactions, and the human-centric aspects of the framework.
The Responsibility Process
Leaders/Contributors: Christopher Avery
Related Website: https://www.christopheravery.com/responsibility-process/
Short Description:The Responsibility Process: A model that identifies the mental states individuals go through when faced with problems or challenges.
To the Point
Leaders/Contributors: Paulo Caroli
Related Website: http://tothepoint.caroli.org/
Short Description:To the Point: An Agile principle or approach that emphasizes clarity, brevity, and getting directly to the essence of a matter.
Toolbox for the Agile Coach – Visualization Examples
Leaders/Contributors: Jimmy Janlén
Related Website: https://leanpub.com/agiletoolbox-visualizationexamples/
Short Description:Toolbox for the Agile Coach – Visualization Examples: A set of tools and techniques for Agile coaches to effectively visualize concepts, progress, and ideas.
Training from the Back of the Room
Leaders/Contributors: Sharon Bowman
Related Website: 0/
Short Description:Training from the Back of the Room: A training technique that emphasizes active learning, engaging participants through activities and discussions.
Transformational Presence
Leaders/Contributors: Alan Seale
Related Website: http://transformationalpresence.org/
Short Description:Transformational Presence: The ability to lead and facilitate transformative changes, recognizing and utilizing the potential of the present moment.
TrustTemenos Academy
Leaders/Contributors: Olaf Lewitz, Christine Neidhardt
Related Website: https://www.trusttemenos.com/showing-up-the-book/
Short Description:TrustTemenos Academy: An institution offering trainings, workshops, and resources on leadership, transformation, and Agile principles.


User Story Mapping
Leaders/Contributors: Jeff Patton
Related Website: http://jpattonassociates.com/user-story-mapping/
Short Description:User Story Mapping: A visualization technique to create a shared understanding of the customer journey, helping prioritize and structure product development.


Value, Flow, Quality
Leaders/Contributors: 0
Related Website: https://www.valueflowquality.com/
Short Description:Value, Flow, Quality: Principles that guide Lean and Agile practices, emphasizing delivering value, maintaining a steady flow, and ensuring quality.
Vanguard Method
Leaders/Contributors: John Seddon
Related Website: https://www.vanguard-method.com/
Short Description:Vanguard Method: An approach to system and organizational redesign based on studying and optimizing actual work, rather than following standard specifications.


Leaders/Contributors: Jon Husband
Related Website: http://wirearchy.com/
Short Description:Wirearchy: A framework that emphasizes interconnectedness, flow, and collaboration over traditional hierarchical structures.


Leaders/Contributors: Peter Merel
Related Website: http://xscalealliance.org/
Short Description:XSCALE: An Agile scaling framework that integrates principles from multiple Agile methodologies to ensure alignment, autonomy, and continuous learning at scale.