Certified SAFe® Courses

Our certified SAFe 6.0 trainers are capable of delivering both theoretical and practical knowledge with their deep, hands-on SAFe experience in the field.The training sessions consist variety of practical exercises derived from real-life cases, facilitating the preparation for the certification exam and using SAFe in practice. You will not get bored, that is a guarantee! On top of that, we have a style to pass information with Systems Thinking lens. With that, you will taste the freedom to customize frameworks based on your needs, which will help you unlock the full potential of your organization.

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Elevate Your Skills with Expert-Led Training

Take the first step towards mastering new competencies and unlocking your potential. Our training programs, led by industry experts, are designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need for success. Fill out this form to express your interest or enroll in our specialized training. Whether you’re looking to advance in systemic thinking, Agile practices, or any other area, we’re here to guide you on your learning journey.